ACEC National PAC (PERSONAL contributions)

The American Council of Engineering Companies Political Action Committee (ACEC/PAC) was established to allow ACEC members the opportunity to support federal candidates who promote a pro-business legislative agenda. ACEC/PAC is​ bipartisan and operates in full compliance with the Federal Election Campaign Act.  It is funded solely by ACEC member contributions.

Help ACEC Oregon meet our 2021 ACEC/PAC fundraising goal! 

Contribute now! 
Log on to the ACEC/PAC website, click the "Contribute Today" button, located on the right-hand side of the page, and you'll find several options for making a contribution, including sweepstakes which offer donors a chance to win a prize. 

Your ACEC/PAC dollars at work!

ACEC Secures Repeal of $7.6 Billion Rescission of Federal Highway Funding

Thanks to ACEC’s advocacy, Oregon saved $37M in lost highway funds

(Nov 19, 2019) Good news! ACEC National and partner stakeholder organizations successfully lobbied for repeal of the $7.6 billion highway funding rescission that was scheduled to take effect next July.

The FAST Act included a provision that would have rescinded $7.6 billion in unobligated contract authority from State DOTs in July 2020. This was done to artificially reduce the budget score when the bill was passed in 2015, a budget gimmick to make the overall bill look less expensive. However, it severely impinged the flexibility of State DOTs to move funds between highway program accounts and was going to significantly impact project planning for 2020. According to FHWA calculations, states only held $5.4 billion in unspent funds at the end of the previous fiscal year, meaning that an additional $2.2 billion would have been withdrawn from fiscal year 2020 apportionments.  

ACEC has actively advocated for repeal of the rescission, and thankfully a repeal provision was included in the most recent “continuing resolution” stopgap funding bill this week. That bill passed the House yesterday and is expected to be passed by the Senate and signed into law by tomorrow.

ACEC collaborated closely with AASHTO on this effort, and it was a great example of the industry lobbying for the needs of the state DOTs.
Click HERE for more details.

Click HERE to view a map of how much was saved in every state.

ACEC Oregon, ACEC, and the ACEC/PAC protect your business! 
Supporting our members of Congress that support the engineering industry. 

Pictured above: Congressman Earl Blumenauer and Chris Tiesler, Principal Engineer, Kittelson & Associates, attend an ACEC/PAC event in Washington, DC last week. They discussed active transportation’s critical role in building support for an infrastructure bill, funding, and sustainability, and transportation equity issues. (November 2019) 

ACEC Oregon participated in Congressman Greg Walden’s
17th Annual High Desert Classic held August 19, 2019 at
Brasada Ranch in central Oregon. Pictured from left:
Cong. Walden and Scott Wallace, The Wallace Group.

Pictured above at Congressman Kurt Schrader’s 6th annual farm BBQ on July 24, 2019 at the congressman’s historic Three Rivers Farm in Canby are, from left: David Finley; ACEC Oregon Vice President Tonya Finley, David Evans and Associates; Cong. Schrader; and Tess and Tim Blackwood, Pali Consulting.

ACEC lobbies Capitol Hill
ACEC Oregon members lobbied Capitol Hill as part of Legislative Summit activities during the ACEC National Annual Convention, May 5‐8, 2019, in Washington, DC.
The group met with each of Oregon’s members of Congress (or a staff member) and southwest Washington’s Jaime Herrera Beutler.
Passing major infrastructure legislation that increases federal funding to support surface transportation, aviation, and water projects, and restores the solvency of the Highway Trust Fund.

Pictured above, from left are: ACEC Oregon Regional Vice President Larry Fox, OBEC Consulting Engineers; Congressman Earl Blumenauer; ACEC Oregon Past President Marc Butorac, Kittelson & Associates; and ACEC Oregon Vice President Tim Blackwood, Pali Consulting. (May 2019)

Pictured above in front of Senator Ron Wyden’s office are, from left: ACEC Oregon President Mike Meyer, Cornforth Consultants; ACEC Oregon National Director (and Past President) Erik Peterson, Peterson Structural Engineers; and Diana Strassmaier, Aldrich CPAs + Advisors. (May 2019)

Pictured above, from left are: Brett Moore, Anderson Perry & Associates; Karen Moore; Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici; ACEC Oregon Executive Director Alison Davis; and ACEC Oregon Past President Troy Bowers, Murraysmith. (May 2019)

#FIXtheFUNDNOW  Pictured above, from left: ACEC Oregon Executive Director Alison Davis; ACEC Oregon President-Elect Tony Roos, Kittelson & Associates; ACEC Oregon Past President Marc Butorac, Kittelson & Associates; ACEC Oregon Past President Troy Bowers, Murraysmith; ACEC Oregon Regional Vice President Larry Fox, OBEC Consulting Engineers; ACEC Oregon Vice President Tim Blackwood, Pali Consulting; and ACEC Oregon Vice President Tonya Finley, David Evans and Associates(May 2019)

ACEC Oregon participated in Congressman Greg Walden's 16th Annual High Desert Classic on August 6, 2018 at Brasada Ranch in central Oregon. 

Pictured above at Congressman Kurt Schrader’s 5th annual summertime BBQ on June 16, 2018 at the congressman’s historic Three Rivers Farm in Canby are, from left: former Oregon state legislator Dave HuntDavid Finley; ACEC Oregon Vice President Tonya Finley, David Evans and AssociatesCong. Schrader; and Rebecca and Tess Blackwood. Not pictured: ACEC Oregon Vice President Tim Blackwood, Hart Crowser.

ACEC’s “citizen lobbyists” participate in visits to Capitol Hill as part of ACEC’s Annual Convention and Legislative Summit held every April in Washington, D.C. 

Issues discussed in 2018 included: 

  • Development and passage of major infrastructure legislation. 
  • Emphasis on passing balanced legislation which incentivizes private investment and P3s (where appropriate). 
  • Regulatory reforms to streamline infrastructure delivery. 

ACEC Oregon members meet with Congressman Kurt Schrader (April 17, 2018) 

ACEC Oregon members lobbied Capitol Hill as part of Legislative Summit activities during the ACEC National Annual Convention, April 15-18, 2018, in Washington, DC. The group met with each of Oregon's members of Congress and southwest Washington's Jaime Herrera Beutler. 

Pictured above, Congressman Kurt Schrader and ACEC Oregon Vice President-Elect Tonya Finley, David Evans and Associates, Inc. at Schrader’s 4th annual farm BBQ event at historic Three Rivers Farm in Canby.  Finley spoke with Cong. Schrader about topics important to ACEC member firms. ACEC Oregon Vice President Tim Blackwood, Hart Crowser Inc., also attended the event. (June 2017) 

2017 Legislative Summit
Issues discussed included: 

  • Development and passage of major infrastructure legislation.  
  • Pro-business reforms to the nation's tax code. 

ACEC Oregon members meet with Cong. Earl Blumenauer during ACEC National's annual Legislative Summit. (Washington, DC, April 2017)

ACEC Oregon members meet with Congressman Peter DeFazio

ACEC Oregon members meet with Rep. Suzanne Bonamici.


ACEC Oregon members lobby Capitol Hill. Above the group is pictured with Congressman Earl Blumenauer.

ACEC Oregon members pictured above with U.S. Senator
Ron Wyden
during ACEC National's Legislative Summit. 

More interactions with Oregon's members of Congress. 

ACEC Oregon members joined ACEC and WSP|Parsons Brinckerhoff for a special luncheon with Congressman Peter DeFazio of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. Pictured above from left are: ACEC Oregon Vice President Jason Tell, WSP|Parsons Brinckerhoff; ACEC Oregon Executive Director Alison Davis; ACEC Oregon Regional Vice President Larry Fox, OBEC Consulting Engineers; ACEC Oregon President Karen Tatman, Quincy Engineering, Inc.; Cong. DeFazio; and Charissa Rotramel, WSP|Parsons Brinckerhoff. (Oct 2016, Portland) 


Pictured above, ACEC Oregon members and guests attend a breakfast honoring Congressman Earl Blumenauer, with special guest Senator Ron Wyden. From left: Tina Adams, Casso ConsultingMark Leece, PBS Engineering + EnvironmentalPaul Heydenrych, Mott MacDonald; ACEC Oregon Vice President Tony Roos, Kittelson & AssociatesMaureen White, HDJ Design, a division of PBS Engineering + EnvironmentalCong. Blumenauer; ACEC Oregon President-Elect Mike Reed, GRIMarcela Alcantar, Alcantar & Associates; and ACEC Oregon Past President Erik Peterson, Peterson Structural Engineers. (October 2016, Portland) 

ACEC Oregon members attend Congressman Earl Blumenauer's "Rebuilding and Renew America Breakfast." (Nov. 2015) 
Pictured above from left are: ACEC Oregon Vice President Mike Meyer, Conforth Consultants, Inc.; Congressman Blumenauer; ACEC Oregon Past President Erik Peterson, Peterson Structural Engineers, Inc.; and ACEC Oregon member Matt Lewis, Cardno. About 200 people attended the Portland event. ACEC National PAC funds sponsored ACEC Oregon's table. 


Congressman Greg Walden visits with Anderson Perry & Associates, Inc. (October 2014, La Grande)
Pictured above from left to right are: Brad Baird; Walden; Andy Perry, ACEC Oregon Regional Vice President (2012-2016); and Dave Wildman

"The meeting with Greg went well. He was very appreciative
of the support. He seems to understand our position on
the issues."  
--Andy Perry, Anderson Perry & Associates, Inc., 
ACEC Oregon Regional Vice President 


Pictured above: Congressman Peter DeFazio (left) and Larry Fox, OBEC Consulting Engineers (October 2014, Eugene)

Individuals working for ACEC-member firms with a current approval form on file may give up to $5,000 per calendar year to ACEC/PAC. Per federal regulations, ACEC/PAC can only accept personal checks or personal credit cards. (Also allowed are partnership and sole proprietorship.)

Supporting political programs like ACEC/PAC is the best thing we can do to make sure engineering firms have a voice at the table when key decisions are made affecting our future.

For more information on giving to PACs, here's a great article:
"Why You Should Support Your PAC"

Click here for the latest news on advocacy from ACEC National.

(Click on each item for key issues in that specific area):
Business / Tax
Environment & Energy 
Federal Agencies and Procurement
Health Care / Labor
Legal Reform

State Legislative Resource Center 


Tony Roos, Kittelson & Associates, Inc.

Mark Leece, PBS

Tonya Finley, David Evans and Associates

We’d like to thank all of the ACEC Oregon members who have made personal contributions to ACEC/PAC. There are many critical legislative issues and challenges that our industry is facing at the national level; ACEC/PAC is educating and influencing the decision-makers involved in these important issues.

Thank you, ACEC/PAC donors! 
So far we've raisied $11,150 toward our goal of $19,777. Thank you to the following individuals for their 2021 contribution(s) (as of June 8, 2021): 

Tina Adams Casso Consulting
Marc Butorac Kittelson & Associates
Larry Fox DOWL
Tony Roos Kittelson & Associates
Jason Tell WSP USA 


Jeff Bernardo DOWL
Christopher Brehmer Kittelson & Associates 
John Carrato Alfred Benesch & Company
Tonya Finley David Evans and Associates
Josh Grenzsund DOWL
Jason Kelly DOWL
Jonathon Kusa Inter-Fluve, Inc. 
Dan Lautzenheiser DJ&A, PC
Mark Leece PBS
Steve Litchfield Jacobs 
Keith London Kennedy Jenks 

John Maloney WSP

Erik Peterson Peterson Structural Engineers 
Cindi Polychronis David Evans and Associates 

Larry Van Dyke KIttelson & Associates 

Ron Vandehey Miller Consulting Engineers
Curt Vanderzanden KPFF
Hod Wells PBS 

Fred Wismer Kittelson & Associates
Anthony Yi Kittelson & Associates