Political Action Committees

PAC contributions are a direct way for council members to get involved in the political process. ACEC Oregon supports two Political Action Committees (PACs) at the state and national levels, with a common goal: to promote the election of responsible and qualified candidates for public office—regardless of party affiliation—who understand and appreciate the goals, objectives and values of the consulting engineering community.

Our funds aid the campaigns of candidates who support robust infrastructure and development policies, design excellence and sustainability, and help to counterbalance the influence of opposing lobbying groups.

Click on the PAC tabs at left to learn more about the
ACEC Oregon PAC and the ACEC/PAC (ACEC National PAC).

"We do not say that
a man who takes no interest in politics is a man who minds his own business;
we say that he has no business here at all."

--Pericles (ca. 495-429 BC)
commenting on the participation of Athenian citizens in politics, as quoted in Models of Democracy (2006) by David Held, Stanford University Press, p. 14