Parametrix: Newport Corridor Improvements Project



The busy Newport Avenue corridor is a critical east-west arterial in Bend used by all travel modes. It sits nearly 500 feet below the top of the adjacent South Awbrey Butte neighborhood and experienced flooding during rain events, which sent untreated water directly into the Deschutes River. This neighborhood was developed before modern stormwater regulations were in place and is part of a nearly 600-acre drainage basin. As a result, the neighborhood’s limited stormwater facilities were quickly over- whelmed during rain events, leading to flooding and water quality issues as runoff picked up sediment and debris on its way down the butte, across and down Newport Avenue, and into the river.

The initial drivers and primary project goals of the Newport Corridor Improvements project were to improve the quality of water in the Deschutes River and reduce flooding of homes and businesses. To meet these goals, the project received partial funding from the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality through its Clean Water State Revolving Fund loan program. To make the most of funds and limit construction impacts on this dense neighborhood, the City combined drainage and water quality improvements with a complete reconstruction of Newport Avenue, including replacement of the City’s water and sewer mains and improvements to transportation systems.

The existing roadway had narrow bike lanes and lacked sidewalks, making the corridor uncomfortable and unsafe for active transportation, especially given the freight access required for local businesses. Work also included improvements to transportation and drainage systems along Nashville Avenue, which connects the Newport corridor to a park along the river.

The Parametrix-led consultant team designed:

▸ Stormwater collection, conveyance, and water quality systems, including a mix of Contech filters and stormwater planters.

▸ An improved outfall at the Deschutes River to limit erosion of the riverbank and reduce sediments reaching the river.

▸ Upgraded water and wastewater systems to accommodate City growth.

▸ Over a mile of transportation improvements, including bicycle and accessible pedestrian facilities, illumination, and intersection improvements (including four roundabouts).

The team also supported franchise utility relocations and installation of a joint utility trench, and provided public engagement services and facilitation of the right-of-way process.

Together with City staff, the Parametrix-led consultant team and the contractor (Taylor Northwest) collaborated through the Construction Manager/General Contractor (CM/ GC) delivery method, completing the project after 4 years of design and construction. On May 26, 2023, Newport Avenue fully reopened to the public, demonstrating how the team efficiently planned, designed, and constructed improvements through the CM/GC project delivery method despite major challenges including a global pandemic.
Firm: Parametrix

Client: City of Bend

Project: Newport Corridor Improvements Project

The One Thing You Should Know: New stormwater systems now treat all of the water entering the Deschutes River, keeping the water cleaner for all residents and ensuring that the public understands the value of how the City spends their infrastructure dollars.