Event Calendar

Thursday, October 12, 2023

2023-24 Leadership Development Series (5302)

Start Date: 10/12/2023 8:30 AM PDT
End Date: 10/12/2023 12:00 PM PDT

Venue Name: David Evans and Associates, Inc.

2100 S. River Parkway
Portland, OR  United States  97201

Organization Name: ACEC Oregon

Merideth Webber
Email: mwebber@acecOregon.org
Phone: 503-292-2348

Develop your firm's future leaders! 
Enroll them in the
2023-24 Leadership Development Series


  • Presenters are key industry professionals.
  • Registration includes Leo MacLeod's book,
    "From the Ground Up: Stories and Lessons from Architects and Engineers Who Learned to be Leaders,
    AND registration to the annual business meeting (dinner) on June 5 or 6 (date to be confirmed) 
  • ACEC Recognition - Individuals who attend the entire series will receive certificates of completion and be recognized at the annual business meeting (dinner) on June 5 or 6 (date to be confirmed) 
  • CPDs – Each session is good for accruing Continuing Professional Development credits.
  • Hybrid Curriculum - Series will consist of 5 in-person sessions (Oct, Feb, March, April, May) + 2 virtual sessions (Nov and Dec), plus the annual business meeting (dinner) in June (Portland-metro area). Click here for more detailed schedule
  • Limited Attendance Series - Attendance is limited to maximize learning and to ensure meaningful interaction and exchange of ideas. 
  • Series is designed for one individual to attend all sessions. If an individual misses a session, they have the opportunity to make it up next year and graduate (or to send someone in their place for that particular session). 

“The biggest challenge facing A/E firms today is development of our future leaders. We had several of our emerging leaders attend the ACEC Leadership Development program and the feedback I received was extremely positive. In particular, it helped them gain a broader perspective on the business aspects of consulting and we are already realizing the return on this investment in their leadership development.”  --Larry Fox, PE, (retired), former COO, DOWL

This series is ideal for project managers, designers and engineers
who are:
  • Interested in a leadership track in their career
  • Shifting their focus from projects to organizational and financial goals of the firm
  • Challenged by competing priorities
  • Being asked to take on more responsibilities with the same resources
  • New to managing multiple or complex projects
  • New to managing people and teams

  • ACEC members - $1,950
  • Non-members - $2,650


Watch a quick, 20-second video from Leadership Series graduate Jarred Close, EIT, Staff Engineer & Field Technician, Hardman Geotechnical Services

I enjoyed the ACEC Oregon Leadership Series very much and was able to take away several useful tools from the series related to project management and leadership. The series helped me by providing insightful methods, processes, practices and ways of thinking to continue to develop as a leader."

"Learning about personality types and how to build a successful team with a well-rounded balance of different personality types was very insightful. I also gained knowledge about the Oregon political landscape, lobbying, how to have a voice, and the state legislature.” 

"All speakers during the series were excellent. I had the opportunity to meet many wonderful, thoughtful peers throughout the series.  I particularly enjoyed the breakout sessions." 

"I particularly appreciated sessions led by Mike Baker and Leo MacLeod. They were engaging, informative, and both speakers did a great job of making it a fun learning experience." 
would highly recommend the Leadership Series to other professionals, particularly mid-career professionals looking to advance their careers by learning important leadership skills and lessons that expand well beyond technical capabilities and can be applied to many areas of life."

"The series was great at helping us to understand more about our strengths and how to work with other personalities." 

The ‘Enhancing Leadership Versatility and Personal Effectiveness’ session has helped me as I work with different team members. I have a new appreciation for different personalities and understand how they each can contribute to a positive project outcome.”  

"I felt the series was well-rounded and exposed me to topics that I usually don't typically encounter in a day-to-day work setting." 

"Useful insights from industry leaders and peers; informational presentations." 

"The series exposed me to ideas within business I either ignored or did not consider important, but now view as necessary." 

I learned "there is a  lot of nuance within politics as it relates to the business of engineering." 

"The program provided valuable information and it is up to me to decide how to use it in a productive manner." 

The series "causes reflection/introspection which leads to growth." 

"Loved learning about different personality styles and how to blend them." 

"I really enjoyed hearing from the industry leaders the strategies used and lessons learned from their careers." 

Listen to ACEC’s podcast!
Leo MacLeod’s Book—
From the Ground Up:
Stories and Lessons from
Architects and Engineers
who Learned to be Leaders

Series is a hybrid of 5 in-person sessions (4 in Portland + 1 in Salem) and 2 virtual sessions AND the annual business meeting (dinner) in June which will be held in the Portland metro area.

Thurs Oct 12  Increasing Leadership Versatility 
Wed Nov 8    Managing Time & Relationships (virtual)   
Wed Dec 13 -  Demystifying Business Development (virtual)
January     - OFF (no program)   
Wed Feb 7   Political Involvement (Salem)   
Wed Mar 6   Financial Management
Wed Apr 10   Risk Management      
Wed May 8  
From Doer to Leader:
   Lessons Learned
June 5 or 6 

Graduates recognized at
   Annual Business Meeting

   (series registration includes this dinner event) 
Click HERE for more detailed schedule. 

Pictured above on the steps of the State Library of Oregon are Leadership Development Series registrants and presenters for the Political Involvement session in Salem. (Feb. 2023) 

Cancellations must be received by October 6, 2023. 

ACEC Oregon COVID notice for in-person meetings
ACEC Oregon is monitoring all mandate, policy, and guideline changes pertaining to COVID-19. Face coverings are currently optional at this event and we invite participants to wear a covering based on preferences and needs.
If you are experiencing any COVID-related symptoms, we request that you do not attend the event and seek medical attention as appropriate, for your own safety and the safety of others. 

Online Registration

Registration is Closed
Closed: 10/4/2023 1:00 PM

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